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Titel: El riesgo crediticio en el producto Credi-Vehículos y su incidencia en la rentabilidad del Banco del Austro S.A. agencia sur de la ciudad de Ambato
Autoren: DT - Sánchez Sánchez, Rubén Mauricio
Gutiérrez Morales, Luis Rodrigo
Erscheinungsdatum: Nov-2017
Zusammenfassung: El presente análisis de caso tiene como propósito responder al problema que se detectó en la empresa en lo referente al riesgo crediticio, cabe recalcar que el correcto desarrollo de las instituciones financieras depende de un buen manejo en las colocaciones y captaciones, en la institución no cuentan con adecuadas políticas que reduzcan el Riesgo Crediticio al otorgar su producto Credi-vehículos, con esto se ve afectada la rentabilidad y mal encaminada la recuperación de los créditos otorgados; los intermediarios financieros tratan de maximizar su rendimiento esperando afrontar el menor riesgo crediticio, cuando se trabaja con recursos resultado de los ahorros de los clientes del banco el nivel del riesgo aumenta.
Beschreibung: The purpose of this research work is to respond to the problem detected in the company, it should be emphasized that the correct development of financial institutions depends on a good management in the loans and deposits, in the institution does not have adequate policies that reduce credit risk by granting its product Credi-vehicles, with this is affected the profitability and not well directed the recovery of the loans granted financial intermediaries try to maximize their performance hoping to face the lower credit risk , When working with resources resulting from the savings of bank clients the level of risk increases. One of the credit risks considered of great importance in the functions of a financial institution is that the default ratio increases, this is the result that the debtors do not cancel the installments of credits granted according to the conditions that have been agreed in the Signing contracts, this will reduce the profitability of the institution; the primary objective of the institution when delivering a credit is to analyze each operation and this well run from start to finish, a good quality analysis should be done to potential borrowers and this help us to minimize the risk in the process.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Ingeniería Financiera

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